6/8/2023 Fishing Report
June is off to a good start! So far, several anglers have found success when fishing for kings. Lena was decent the first couple days, then a pod of Orcas showed up. We haven't heard of many fish out there since this happened but give it a few days and they will likely return in small numbers. The mouth of Fish Creek and near the North Douglas boat launch have also produced fish. Incoming tide has been better so far. As far as colors go chartreuse/white has been the color scheme working the best. Both Mr. Bondangles and Mega Dolly Llamas have gotten it done. Remember, it's still early and more fish will be coming. If you haven't got one yet don't get discouraged! In one more week Thane will open for retention of kings. Once you are out of the terminal area the limits are different so make sure you have a copy of the regs.
DIPAC has release the rest of the chum smolt and the channel is loaded with fish. Under the Douglas bridge has been fishing fairly well, but Echo Cove and Boy Scout Beach are still the best places to go get into the Dollies. If you want bigger Dollies out the road, try using a 3-5ips sink tips and a big rabbit strip fly. The big fish out here will often stay deeper and be eating sand lance. Now that we are into June make sure you are using larger smolt patterns. Size 6 AK Clousers and Stinger Clousers work great this time of year.
Yesterday was the second day of Windfall being open to sockeye fishing. We have not gotten any reports yet but given the nice weather and time of year there are likely a few sockeye in the system already. Dead drifting small patterns is your best bet. The trout fishing can also be really good at Windfall, so if the sockeye aren't biting throw some leeches and see if you can find a cutthroat.

As always, we love featuring your photos for our fishing reports. If you have a great fish, scenery, or action photo that has to do with fishing around town send it our way! You can email photos or videos to cory@alaskaflyfishinggoods.com. Please remember to handle fish with care, especially if you are practicing catch and release. Consider getting a net with a rubber basket to help land fish quickly and keep them in the water until you are ready to snap a quick photo.
See you on the water!
The Crew at AFFG
Listed below are the hot patterns of the week. Fisheries change here through-out the season and we do our best to get you the hot flies. Listed below are our recommended patterns for the particular species available. Happy fishing